Our Mission Statement
The Glen Cove SAGE Foundation, Senior Activity Generational Endowment, assists the Glen Cove Senior Center in its mission to pursue and provide the highest quality of programs and services for the senior citizens of Glen Cove and surrounding communities. Through fundraising, grant writing, outreach and advocacy, the Foundation will support the Center’s ongoing efforts and new initiatives in addressing the physical, social and emotional needs of area senior citizens sixty years of age and older.

SAGE consists of up to twenty one Board of Directors and eight Associate members. The Glen Cove SAGE Foundation was established in 2005 by former Mayor Vincent (Jimmy) Suozzi for the purpose of establishing a non-profit private organization which would manage and raise funds for the Glen Cove Senior Center above governmental sources. Past President Rhoda Finer and the Director of the Senior Center, Carol Waldman, along with Patti Yeomans and Mike Bono brought this vision to fruition. The partnership of SAGE and the Glen Cove Senior Center is an ideal affiliation of a private foundation and a government agency working together to provide support for the services required of an aging population.